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20 Uses of Vinegar that You Never Knew

09 Aug, 2012 17

Being prepared and resourceful often means re-purposing everyday items. Vinegar is one such powerhouse item that can be used for cleaning, food storage, home remedies, and more. Here are 20 creative and practical ways to use vinegar in your daily life!

Many Uses of Vinegar

Household Cleaning and Maintenance

1. Clear Dirt Off PCs and Electronics

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water, and use a cloth to wipe down your devices. Avoid spraying directly on electronics.

2. Get Rid of Smoke Odor

Place a bowl of vinegar in a smoky room or wave a cloth dampened with vinegar in the air to neutralize odors.

3. Wipe Away Mildew

Use undiluted vinegar for heavy stains or a diluted mix for lighter mildew issues. Mist carpets to prevent future mildew.

4. Clean Chrome and Stainless Steel

Spray undiluted vinegar on fixtures and buff with a soft cloth to make them shine.

5. Remove Sticky Residue

Apply vinegar to sticky surfaces like price tags or stickers. Gently scrape with a credit card for clean removal.

Cleaning with Vinegar

Home Improvement

6. Brighten Brickwork

Mix 1 cup vinegar with 1 gallon of warm water to scrub dingy bricks clean.

7. Revitalize Wood Paneling

Polish wood paneling with a mix of vinegar, water, and olive oil for a refreshed look.

8. Remove Carpet Stains

  • For light stains, mix 2 tablespoons salt with ½ cup vinegar, rub into the stain, let dry, and vacuum.
  • For tough stains, mix 1 tablespoon vinegar with 1 tablespoon cornstarch, rub into the stain, let sit for two days, and vacuum.

Everyday Hacks

9. Keep Car Windows Frost-Free

Spray a mixture of 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water on car windows to prevent frost.

10. Refresh Your Refrigerator

Clean your fridge inside and out with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water.

11. Steam-Clean Your Microwave

Microwave a bowl with 1 cup water and ¼ cup vinegar for 5 minutes. Use the mixture to wipe down the microwave interior.

Food and Kitchen

12. Disinfect Cutting Boards

Clean cutting boards with undiluted vinegar to kill bacteria like E.coli and salmonella.

13. Clean China and Glassware

Add vinegar to your dishwasher to prevent hard water stains on dishes and glasses.

14. Trap Fruit Flies

Fill a jar halfway with apple cider vinegar, poke holes in the lid, and leave it near fruit to trap flies.

15. Tenderize Meat and Seafood

Soak tough cuts of meat or seafood in vinegar to break down fibers and tenderize them overnight.

Personal Care and Wellness

16. Control Dandruff

Rinse hair with a mixture of 2 cups apple cider vinegar and 2 cups water after shampooing to reduce dandruff.

17. Ease Sunburn and Itching

Apply vinegar with a soft cloth to soothe sunburn, insect bites, or poison ivy rashes.

18. Clean Eyeglasses

Apply a few drops of vinegar to your glasses and wipe with a soft cloth to remove dirt and fingerprints.

Laundry Uses of Vinegar

Gardening and Laundry

19. Stop Colors from Running

Soak new clothes in vinegar before washing to prevent colors from bleeding.

20. Speed Germination of Seeds

Soak woody seeds overnight in a solution of ½ cup vinegar and 1 pint warm water to enhance germination.

Have a unique use for vinegar? Share your tips in the comments below! Don't forget to explore our emergency preparation supplies for more handy resources.

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