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DIY Well Digging- How to Drive Your Own Well

25 Jan, 2017 189

In an emergency, having a secure water source is essential. Municipal water sources aren’t always reliable for clean, uncontaminated water. Digging your own well provides a simple solution, and the easiest, most cost-effective way is to drive a well. Here’s what you’ll need and how to get started:

Materials Needed

  • Wellpoint (drive point): A pipe with a solid, pointed end and small openings that allow water in while blocking larger particles.
  • Riser Pipes: 5-6 feet in length, used to extend the wellpoint.
  • Pipe Couplings: Attach wellpoint and riser pipes.
  • Drive Cap: Protects the riser pipe while pounding.
  • Thread Compound: Seals pipe joints.
  • Post Hole Digger or Auger
  • Sledge Hammer or Post Driver
  • Two Pipe Wrenches

Step-by-Step Guide to Driving a Well

  1. Choose the Right Site: Select a site where the water table is within 25 feet of the surface and the soil isn’t clay- or rock-heavy. You may need a permit for your well. Stay at least 100 feet from potential contaminants like dry wells or septic tanks.
  2. Select Your Wellpoint: Consult your local hardware store to find the correct type for your area. Note: Stainless steel wellpoints last longer and resist mineral build-up.
  3. Pre-Dig the Hole: Dig a 2-3 foot deep hole, about 2 inches wider than the wellpoint, using a post hole digger or auger.
  4. Prepare the Wellpoint: Rub bar soap around its holes to reduce friction and keep out sand while driving.
  5. Attach the First Riser Pipe: Securely connect the riser pipe to the wellpoint with a coupling, cleaning threads and using thread compound. Tighten with two pipe wrenches to avoid twisting pipes into the ground.
  6. Drive the Wellpoint: Ensure it’s vertical with a plumb bob or level. Use the sledgehammer or post driver to pound it into the ground until about 2 feet of the riser pipe remains above ground.
  7. Add Riser Pipes: Repeat the attachment process until you reach the desired depth or hit water. You’ll know you’ve reached water when a string lowered into the well comes back wet, or the pounding sound changes.
  8. Install a Pump: Finish by installing a hand, electric, or gas pump according to manufacturer instructions.
  9. Clear the Water: To remove silt and sand, flush the well by sending a water hose down the pipe or by pumping quickly until the water runs clear.

Well installation process

Note: Have your water tested to ensure it’s safe for drinking.

Finding the Best Spot for Your Well

Keep Distance from Contaminants: Ensure the well is at least 100 feet away from contaminants like animal pens, septic tanks, or sewer lines.


Also known as "water witching," divination uses a tool to sense underground water sources. Hold the tools parallel to the ground and walk; the tools will supposedly tilt downwards when water is near. Though not scientifically proven, this method has been used for centuries.


Water sources are often found in low-lying areas like valleys. Vegetation clusters, like groups of trees, can also indicate a water source nearby. If there are ponds, rivers, or lakes in the area, follow their natural flow to find underground water.

For a video tutorial, click here.

Have you tried creating your own water source? Share your experiences and methods in the comments below.

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