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Fishing for Survival

20 Mar, 2020 42

Food is crucial for survival, especially during a crisis. Knowing how to catch fish can provide a reliable food source for you and your family. Here are some effective fishing techniques that may keep you well-fed in difficult times.

Primitive Basket Trap

The Primitive Basket Trap uses long bendable sticks to create a basket that traps fish. Shape five sticks into circles for the frame, then cover the frame with closely spaced sticks to prevent escape. Add a funnel inside to allow fish entry but not exit. Weigh it down with rocks, add a floating marker, and leave it overnight for the best results.

Soda Can Fishing Hook

A Soda Can Fishing Hook can be fashioned from a soda can tab. Remove the tab, cut it to form a hook, and sharpen one end. Attach fishing line and add a small rock for weight. Use foam as a bobber to keep it from sinking too deep. This repurposes common waste into a functional tool.

Tide Fishing

Tide Fishing is ideal near the ocean. Build a rock wall pool along the shoreline where it will be submerged at high tide and above water at low tide. Fish will enter at high tide and become trapped when the water recedes, making collection easy.

DIY Fishing Net

Create a DIY Fishing Net using cordage, a sizing card, and a netting needle. Secure the line to a ground stake, use a sizing card to determine hole size, and tie stopper knots to form loops. Repeat to grow the net in a triangle pattern. This is an efficient way to catch multiple fish at once.

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