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Be The Squirrel. Store Your Nuts!

03 Jun, 2016 4

As you may have noticed, our Ready Store logo features the iconic image of a squirrel. Nearly 14 years ago, when Ready Store opened its doors, a cartoon squirrel was chosen as our mascot. His name is Ready Eddie, and he's been our in-house food storage expert ever since. Just like squirrels, who have been storing food for thousands of years, we humans are just beginning to catch on to the importance of preparedness. There's a lot we can learn from Ready Eddie and his family.

Ready Store Squirrel Logo

Check Out the Following Squirrel Facts:

1. There are more than 200 squirrel species. Ready Eddie reminds us that no two squirrels are the same. Similarly, each person is unique with different dietary needs, family sizes, and food preferences. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to food storage. It’s important to customize your food storage plan to fit your specific needs. To help you get started, check out our ReadyResources section or give our Ready Experts a call at (800) 773-5331. We can help you build a personalized program just for you!

2. Squirrels eat more than their body weight every week. While it may not sound like much, that’s over 50 lbs of food per year for an average 1 lb squirrel! Now imagine if you were a 170 lb person eating your entire body weight each week. When you’re preparing for emergencies, think long-term, just like the squirrel preparing for winter. Start with a small supply, such as a 72-hour kit, then gradually build up a 2-week and 30-day supply. Over time, you could be prepared for 1 year or more of food storage. It all begins with that first step!

3. Squirrels are busy. Squirrels stay active to survive, and they don't wait around for an emergency. Similarly, as you begin your food storage journey, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But Ready Eddie reminds us to take it one step at a time—just like gathering one nut at a time. Don’t try to do everything at once. Start with a small supply and watch it grow. The ReadyQ is a great tool to help you start building your storage on any budget.

4. Squirrels can find food underneath one foot of snow. Food storage in a cool, dry place is ideal for preserving nutrition, but as Ready Eddie shows us, food that has been frozen—like nuts under snow—can still be used, and it can maintain nutritional value such as protein. Even if you think your food storage has been exposed to extreme temperatures, don’t throw it out just yet. Try using it before discarding it. And remember, practice cooking with your stored food today—don’t wait for an emergency to test it!

5. A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing. A squirrel’s teeth grow constantly to stay sharp for tasks like cracking open acorns or digging into trees. This constant growth is a great reminder for us to always keep preparing. Just as squirrels must be ready at all times, we should cycle our food storage into our daily regimen—using the older food at the front and replacing it with new items at the back. This ensures your food storage remains fresh and ready for use when you need it.

6. Squirrels lose up to 25% of their food to thieves. Yes, Ready Eddie has some enemies! Other squirrels, birds, and various scavengers will steal stored food. This teaches us the importance of storing food in a safe place. While theft might not seem like a concern now, it could be during an emergency. Natural disasters like earthquakes or floods can damage or destroy food supplies, so always store a little extra, just in case.

7. A newborn squirrel is about 1 inch long and requires just 30 days of gestation. Even in the most challenging times, life continues. Squirrels know the importance of planning for the future. When preparing for long-term emergencies, don’t forget to plan for loved ones, including children or future generations. A little preparation today could provide help to a family member in the future.

8. Squirrels don’t use all of their buried nuts, which results in more trees! Ready Eddie’s extra stash of nuts often goes unused, which leads to new trees growing. Similarly, the benefits of preparedness go beyond the immediate use of supplies. When you’re ready, you’re not only prepared for yourself—you’re a valuable resource to your family, friends, and community. By preparing like a squirrel, you not only help yourself but also become a leader and educator for others when emergencies arise.

Join with the Ready Store and, together, let’s be the squirrel!

Are you a squirrel? Share your story below! How are you preparing like a squirrel? Do you store your "nuts"? Let us know how you’re getting ready in the comments!

References [source 1]( [source 2]( [source 3](

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