Strawberry plants produce an abundant harvest every year, but a bountiful crop can sometimes leave you with more strawberries than you can eat. Canning your strawberries prevents waste and lets you enjoy your harvest year-round. Here are the supplies you'll need and some simple canning recipes.
Materials Needed for Water Bath Canning
- Water bath canner with enough boiling water to cover the jars
- Canning jars, cleaned and ready for use
- Wide-mouth canning funnel
- Lids and rings
- Jar lifter and pot holders
- Tools to prepare fruit (bowls, spoons, knives)
- Fresh, hulled strawberries

Basic Canning Process for Strawberries
Follow these steps to safely seal and preserve your strawberries:
- Heat Jars and Lids: Place jars, lids, and rings in hot (not boiling) water for 10-15 minutes. Keep the jars hot until ready to use.
- Fill Jars with Strawberries: Use a canning funnel to ladle in strawberries, leaving at least 1/2 inch of headspace. The funnel helps prevent residue that can prevent a proper seal.

- Wipe the Rims: Use a clean, damp rag to wipe jar rims for a secure seal.
- Seal the Jars: Place lids and rings on jars, then carefully lower jars into the canner, ensuring they are fully submerged.
- Boil: Process pints for 10 minutes and quarts for 15 minutes.
- Cool and Check Seals: Remove jars to cool on towels. Listen for the "ping" sound, which indicates a good seal. If a lid doesn’t seal, refrigerate and use within a few weeks.
Easy Strawberry Canning Recipes
Strawberries in Syrup
These syrupy strawberries are perfect for shortcakes, waffles, and more.
- Ingredients: 16 cups hulled strawberries (whole or sliced), 2-3 cups sugar
- In a large bowl, mix strawberries with sugar and let sit for at least 2 hours to create syrup.
- Heat the strawberries over medium heat until warm.
- Ladle strawberries and syrup into jars, then follow the canning steps above.

Strawberry Jam
Strawberry jam is a great way to preserve your strawberries and enjoy their sweetness year-round.
- Ingredients: 8-10 cups raw strawberries, reduced to 6 cups hulled and mashed, 4 cups sugar, 1 package pectin (8 tbsp), 1/4 cup lemon juice
- Mix pectin with 1/4 cup sugar and set aside to prevent clumping.
- In a large pot, mix strawberries, lemon juice, and pectin, and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
- Add sugar and boil for 1 minute, continuing to stir.
- Skim foam from the top.
- Test for thickness by placing a small amount on a cold spoon. If it sticks, it's ready. If too runny, add more pectin and boil for another minute.
- Follow the canning instructions above to preserve.