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DIY - Canning Strawberries

23 Mar, 2017 16

Strawberry plants produce an abundant harvest every year, but a bountiful crop can sometimes leave you with more strawberries than you can eat. Canning your strawberries prevents waste and lets you enjoy your harvest year-round. Here are the supplies you'll need and some simple canning recipes.

Materials Needed for Water Bath Canning

  • Water bath canner with enough boiling water to cover the jars
  • Canning jars, cleaned and ready for use
  • Wide-mouth canning funnel
  • Lids and rings
  • Jar lifter and pot holders
  • Tools to prepare fruit (bowls, spoons, knives)
  • Fresh, hulled strawberries
Canning setup with strawberries

Basic Canning Process for Strawberries

Follow these steps to safely seal and preserve your strawberries:

    1. Heat Jars and Lids: Place jars, lids, and rings in hot (not boiling) water for 10-15 minutes. Keep the jars hot until ready to use.
    2. Fill Jars with Strawberries: Use a canning funnel to ladle in strawberries, leaving at least 1/2 inch of headspace. The funnel helps prevent residue that can prevent a proper seal.


  1. Wipe the Rims: Use a clean, damp rag to wipe jar rims for a secure seal.
  2. Seal the Jars: Place lids and rings on jars, then carefully lower jars into the canner, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  3. Boil: Process pints for 10 minutes and quarts for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool and Check Seals: Remove jars to cool on towels. Listen for the "ping" sound, which indicates a good seal. If a lid doesn’t seal, refrigerate and use within a few weeks.

Easy Strawberry Canning Recipes

Strawberries in Syrup

These syrupy strawberries are perfect for shortcakes, waffles, and more.

  • Ingredients: 16 cups hulled strawberries (whole or sliced), 2-3 cups sugar
  1. In a large bowl, mix strawberries with sugar and let sit for at least 2 hours to create syrup.
  2. Heat the strawberries over medium heat until warm.
  3. Ladle strawberries and syrup into jars, then follow the canning steps above.
Strawberries in syrup

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry jam is a great way to preserve your strawberries and enjoy their sweetness year-round.

  • Ingredients: 8-10 cups raw strawberries, reduced to 6 cups hulled and mashed, 4 cups sugar, 1 package pectin (8 tbsp), 1/4 cup lemon juice
  1. Mix pectin with 1/4 cup sugar and set aside to prevent clumping.
  2. In a large pot, mix strawberries, lemon juice, and pectin, and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
  3. Add sugar and boil for 1 minute, continuing to stir.
  4. Skim foam from the top.
  5. Test for thickness by placing a small amount on a cold spoon. If it sticks, it's ready. If too runny, add more pectin and boil for another minute.
  6. Follow the canning instructions above to preserve.
Strawberry jam in jars

Preserve your strawberry harvest and enjoy the flavors of summer all year long. Do you have a favorite recipe for canning strawberries? Let us know in the comments!

Thanks to and for images.

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