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How to Clean a Fish

11 Mar, 2016 20

Fishing has long been a cherished hobby, sport, and way of life for many cultures. While catching fish is enjoyable, knowing how to clean one is an essential skill. This guide will help you master fish cleaning, whether for survival, sport, or daily life. With practice, the process can be efficient and relatively mess-free.

Materials Needed

  • Sharp knife or scissors (a dull knife is unsafe)
  • Source of water
  • Plastic zipper bag
  • Cutting board (optional)
  • Waste container or bag for disposing of guts

Important: Before cleaning, check local laws to determine if fish guts can be discarded onsite or must be carried out. Rinse the fish with water to remove any dirt, grass, or debris before beginning.

Optional: If you prefer fish without scales, descale the fish before cleaning. Use a knife or spoon to scrape the scales from tail to head.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Make the First Cut

Grip the fish by inserting your thumb into the gill area to prevent slipping. Insert the tip of the knife or scissors into the soft indentations beneath the jawbone at the throat. Cut through this area, slicing away from yourself.

Step 1: Cutting the throat of the fish
Step 1: Insert the knife at the throat and cut outward.

Step 2: Open the Belly

Insert the knife into the small anal pore near the tail and carefully cut forward toward the head along the belly. Avoid cutting too deeply to prevent puncturing the innards, which could make the process messier.

Step 2: Cutting the belly of the fish
Step 2: Cut along the underside of the fish from tail to head.

Step 3: Remove the Guts

Hold the fish with its belly facing up. Firmly grasp the head, insert a finger into the opening at the throat, and pull down toward the tail. This will remove the gills and intestines in one motion.

Step 3: Removing fish guts
Step 3: Pull the gills and intestines out in one motion.

Step 4: Remove the Kidney

Inside the fish's cavity, a dark red line along the spine represents the kidney. Use your knife to make a slit along this line and scrape out the blood using your thumb or a spoon. Repeat until all blood is removed.

Step 4: Cleaning the kidney from the fish
Step 4: Remove the kidney and clean the cavity.

Step 5: Rinse and Finalize

Rinse the fish thoroughly to remove any remaining blood or debris. The fish is now cleaned and ready to cook. Some popular preparation methods include pan-frying, baking, and grilling. Find your favorite!

Tips and Tricks

Have a favorite way to clean or cook fish? Share your tips and recipes in the comments below. We’d love to hear about your experiences!

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