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Hunt with a Paracord Sling

22 Nov, 2013 21

Paracord is an invaluable tool in any preparedness kit. Its durability and versatility make it perfect for creating various survival tools such as slings, bracelets, and reinforced cords. In emergencies, paracord can be unwound and used for binding, hauling, or even hunting. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a paracord hunting sling using just 60 feet of paracord and a simple design.

What is Paracord?

Make Your Own Paracord Sling

Paracord, or parachute cord, is a lightweight nylon rope originally used in parachuting. Most commonly, 550 paracord features a strong nylon sheath and seven inner yarn strands, giving it a breaking strength of 550 lbs. It’s quick-drying, resistant to rot and mildew, and has been adopted for a variety of military and civilian uses, such as securing equipment, making fishing lines, and crafting survival tools.

Step-by-Step Instructions for a Paracord Hunting Sling

Materials You’ll Need:

  • 60 feet of paracord: 3 strands of 16 feet each and 1 strand of 12 feet
  • Tape measure
  • Scissors


  1. Prepare the Strands: Collect the three 16-foot strands, find their centers, and tie them together at the midpoint to keep them aligned.
  2. Create a Finger Loop: Braid the three strands for a few inches, fold the braid over itself, and then pair the strands to continue braiding.
  3. Build the Pouch: Stop braiding at the desired length and divide the six strands into two groups. Use the 12-foot strand to weave through one set of strands to form the pouch.
  4. Finish the Pouch: Repeat the weaving process on the other side to create the second half of the pouch, ensuring both sides are the same length.
  5. Complete the Sling: Lay the pouch sections together, group the strands, and braid the remaining length to match the other side. Secure the braid with a knot and trim excess cord.

Final Product

Congratulations! You now have a durable paracord hunting sling ready for use in survival situations or as a recreational tool. This sling is a fantastic way to practice crafting and utilize paracord’s strength and versatility.

Completed Paracord Sling

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