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Lost at Sea - Be Prepared

05 Nov, 2017 2

Two American women, Jennifer Appel and Tasha Fuiava, along with their dogs, set sail from Hawaii on a summer pleasure cruise. Unfortunately, both of their cell phones went overboard on the first day of their voyage. By May 3, 2017, their sailboat experienced engine failure and a broken mast, leaving them stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Despite facing severe weather conditions, the women continued on until May 30th, when they found themselves surrounded by sharks, stranded without communication. Things looked bleak, but on October 24, they were finally spotted by a Taiwanese fishing boat 900 miles southeast of Japan. The fishing vessel contacted the US Coast Guard, and the USS Ashland was dispatched to rescue them.

Watch their incredible rescue after over 5 months lost at sea.

These women survived because they were well-prepared. According to an NBC News report, they carried a year's supply of food storage and a reliable water filter. The lessons they learned are invaluable for anyone planning an adventure on the water.

Plan for the Worst, Expect the Best

Appel and Fuiava set out for a fun adventure, but they took the time to prepare for emergencies. They packed plenty of extra food in case of an unexpected situation, and this foresight ultimately saved their lives. In survival situations, it’s always better to pack too much and not need it than to find yourself unprepared when disaster strikes.

One of their key survival tools was a Lifestraw, a personal water filter that weighs only 2 oz and is small enough to fit in a backpack. This portable filter allowed them to safely drink water from contaminated sources, providing them with the hydration they desperately needed during their ordeal.

Expect the Unexpected

Losing their cell phones on the first day of their voyage should have been a warning sign to turn back. Communication is crucial in survival situations. Without it, they couldn’t call for help, and their situation became increasingly dangerous. A satellite phone or VHF radio could have accelerated their rescue.

It’s always important to have an alternate form of communication in case your primary system fails. Satellite phones, marine radios, or even a flare gun can make all the difference when you're stranded.

Make a Plan for All Family Members

Appel and Fuiava thought ahead not only for themselves but also for their dogs. They purchased doggy life jackets, ensuring that their pets would be safe if they fell overboard. The jackets allowed the dogs to stay afloat without tiring as they waited for rescue.

Lifesavers to Have When on Water

When embarking on any water adventure, whether for leisure or as a survivalist, make sure you have the following lifesaving essentials:

  • Back-up communication system (satellite phone, marine radio, or flares)
  • Double the amount of food you think you’ll need
  • Lots of water and a reliable filtration system
  • Water filtration system (such as the Lifestraw)
  • Life jackets for all members of the crew, including pets

Survival Tip: Always plan for the unexpected and be over-prepared. The more you prepare for emergencies, the better your chances of surviving if disaster strikes.

Photo Credit: NBC News

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