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Preserving Meat - How Do I Can Chicken? (Hot Pack Method)

11 Apr, 2018 10

Note: Meat, when not preserved correctly, can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Follow the instructions carefully. We do NOT recommend using an Instant Pot or a boiling water canner. Instead, we recommend using a pressure canner. This procedure is for fresh meat, not brined, cured, or corned meat. The Ready Store recommends freeze-drying as the safest way to preserve the nutrients and flavor in your meats.

Preserving food isn't just limited to garden produce. People have been safely canning fresh meat for years, and canned meat is convenient for recipes and requires no special refrigeration. However, because it is meat, you must follow the appropriate canning process carefully. Below, we walk you through how to can chicken using the hot pack method.

What You Need

  • Pressure Canner
  • Jars with fitted lids and ring bands
  • Fresh Chicken
  • Water
  • Salt (optional)
  • Canning Funnel


Always use fresh, healthy chicken. If you butcher and dress your own animal, refrigerate it for 6-12 hours before you can it. Remove excess fat and cut the chicken into pieces small enough to fit into the jars. (You can can chicken with or without bones.)

Prepare jars and lids by soaking them in hot water, ensuring there is no dust or debris that could compromise the seal. Cook the chicken until it is about 2/3 cooked. The meat will finish cooking during the canning process, so do not cook it fully. Using a jar funnel, place chicken into the jars, leaving about 1 1/4 inches of space at the top.

Add salted water or broth to the top of the chicken, ensuring you still leave a 1 1/4 inch space at the top. Wipe the lip of the jar with a paper towel dipped in vinegar. Place the hot lid on and secure it with a ring, tightening it securely but leaving a tiny bit of looseness.

Place jars in the pressure canner with water heated to 180°F on the stovetop. Don't forget to use the rack provided with the canner to avoid direct contact with the base. (You don’t want it to reach boiling at this point.) Ensure your pressure canner lid and gasket are in good shape for a solid seal, and check the vent pipes to make sure they are clear of mineral deposits or debris.

Pressure Canning Process

Follow the specific directions for your canner. Add enough water to cover the jars by 2-3 inches, ensuring the jars remain upright. Set your stovetop to HIGH and heat the water until it boils and steam flows from the top vent pipe. Let the steam flow for 10 minutes. Place the counterweight/weighted gauge on the vent pipe, or close the petcock if using a non-weighted system. This will cause the canner to pressurize for the next 3-10 minutes. Be sure to adjust based on your altitude, using the appropriate weight settings (refer to the chart below for guidance).

Process on the stovetop according to the chart above. After the required time, use canning tongs to carefully pull the jars from the water and let them sit on a cloth-covered countertop. The jars will be hot, so take proper precautions.

Once the jars are cooled, check the seals. A sealed lid will be concave with no give when pressed. If the seal is compromised, refrigerate the jars and use the chicken within a few days.

Watch the Video Guide

For a visual step-by-step guide, watch the video below:

Share Your Experience

What success have you had canning chicken? Do you prefer to prepare your own bone broth, or do you use a commercial broth? We’d love to hear about your experience!

Reference and Image Credit: Thanks to Utah State Extension. For more information, visit this page on the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

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