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Top 10 Food Storage Myths

01 Feb, 2010 36

Food storage is often surrounded by myths that prevent families from taking necessary steps to prepare for emergencies. From misconceptions about natural disasters to worries about cost, we’ll debunk the top 10 myths and explain why food storage is essential for every household.

  1. Myth 10: Natural Disasters Don’t Happen Near Me

    Thinking that food storage is only for natural disasters is a mistake. It’s also a lifeline during unemployment, economic downturns, and other crises. Plus, natural disasters like earthquakes, lightning storms, and man-made emergencies can occur anywhere, often when you least expect them.

  2. Myth 9: I’ll Need to Learn How to Grind Wheat and Raise Chickens

    While survival skills are beneficial, they’re not required for food storage. Focus on storing easy-to-use, pre-packaged food that doesn’t need special skills to prepare. Knowing what food you need and how to use it is the key to being prepared.

  3. Myth 8: All I Need Is a Gun

    Some believe they can rely on others by force rather than preparing. Not only is this dangerous and immoral, but it’s far easier and smarter to invest time in your own food storage rather than resorting to desperate measures.

  4. Myth 7: The Government Will Provide Food in an Emergency

    Relying on government assistance isn’t a solid plan. Relief efforts can take days to mobilize, and sometimes your area may not even qualify as a disaster zone. Food storage ensures your family has immediate access to meals in any situation.

  5. Myth 6: Food Storage Tastes Bad

    Modern food storage options have evolved! Freeze-dried meals now include a variety of delicious entrees, fruits, vegetables, and even desserts. These foods have long shelf lives (20-30 years) and taste great when prepared with water.

  6. Myth 5: Society Is Prepared Enough

    Natural disasters or economic disruptions can break supply chains, leaving grocery stores empty. Many stores can’t recover quickly after events like earthquakes. Food storage ensures you’re not dependent on external resources.

  7. Myth 4: Only Extremists Store Food

    Food storage is often portrayed as something only “doomsday preppers” do, but being self-sufficient is practical and wise. For decades, communities, families, and religious organizations have encouraged food storage for emergencies.

  8. Myth 3: I Don’t Have Enough Space for Food Storage

    Food storage doesn’t require a large pantry. Get creative! Store food under beds, in closets, or even under bathroom sinks. With careful planning, everyone can find room for at least a couple of weeks' worth of supplies.

  9. Myth 2: I Already Have Enough Food in My Cupboard

    While having extra groceries is great, most pantry items expire within 1-3 years. Emergency food storage products are designed for long shelf lives (20+ years), ensuring they’ll still be usable when you need them most.

  10. Myth 1: Food Storage Is Too Expensive

    Food storage doesn’t have to break the bank. Start small and build your supply gradually. It’s an investment in your family’s future security. Read our tips for building food storage on a budget.

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Debunking common myths about food storage and why it’s essential for everyone.

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