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8 Tips to Survive After a Disaster

by ben 14 Sep 2016

When a disaster strikes, the first 72 hours of survival are the most critical. Whether it be treating immediate life threatening medical conditions or making sure that there is sufficient food and water, how you use your time will matter. With major disasters, there is a good chance that it could be 72 hours or longer before rescuers arrive. Now the question is, how do I survive after a disaster on my own? With most survival skills, it is important to prepare and practice way before a disaster occurs. The reality of the situation is, you will rarely know when to anticipate one. Make sure to read emergency preparedness books that focus on how to become self-sufficient and what to do in different scenarios. Take time to stock up on 72-hour emergency survival kits for you and your loved ones. First and foremost, we recommend going over your survival plan at least twice a year with friends and family members. Not sure where to start? We have compiled a list of tips to help survive after a disaster...

1. Stop. Think. Don’t Panic.

Natural or human-caused disasters can be unexpected and overwhelming. Because a focused mind is your most important asset, panic, stress, anger, and frustration will only make the situation worse. After a disaster occurs, observe your surroundings, assess immediate problems and danger; then make a plan to take care of the problem.

2. Render First-Aid if Necessary and Possible

When you assess the after effects of a disaster, make sure to stabilize the health of both you and anyone else who is in critical condition. If anyone is bleeding badly, do what you can to prevent blood loss. Make sure everyone is able to breathe and that nothing is obstructing their airway. It is very important to have everyone stay calm and to not go into shock. When building your first aid kit, make sure to have all of the essentials plus warm clothes or a wool blanket to retain heat.

3. Find a Safe Place

Depending on where you are when a disaster strikes, assess the location to see how safe it is. If the building is falling apart or close to any threats, move. It is important to make sure that everyone under your care is in decent condition to move. Once in a safer location, stop, think, observe and plan.

4. Signal for or Find Help

Depending on where you are located during a disaster, finding help may be easy or incredibly difficult. Don’t let that stop you. Find a whistle, flashlight, reflective mirrors or bright clothing to signal for help. If practical, start a fire to signal others. Make sure to be cautious when in an urban environment where there could be dangerous fumes or flammable items in the area.

5. Find Drinkable Water

Staying hydrated is very important to your survival since it’ll keep you alive. If you are hesitant about the water available, boil, filter or purify it to make the water drinkable. When preparing your 72-hour kit, make sure to have at least 3 gallons of clean water available or a water purifier or tablets. It is important to avoid dehydration while in the middle of a crisis.

6. Find Shelter

To survive after a disaster, it is important to find shelter that will block you from any outside elements. Stay out of the wind, rain, sun, cold and heat. Long exposure can drastically affect your overall health. In some cases, you may need to make yourself a temporary shelter. Use whatever you can find and again, assess any risk or danger nearby.

7. Have a Way to Start a Fire

Having a source of fire can help you stay emotionally and physically calm. A fire will help you stay warm, boil water and cook food. If possible, keep waterproof matches, a lighter and a magnesium fire starter in your 72-hour kit. Before starting any fire, assess your surroundings and decide whether or not it is safe to start a fire. At Ready Store, we want you to be smart and not scared when preparing for an emergency. Knowing basic survival skills will absolutely increase your likelihood of staying healthy while going through shock.

8. What tip would you give to other emergency preparedness folks?


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