8 Ways to Use Your MRE Meals
06 May 2015
Typically, people think of MREs as being a great option for food storage and emergency situations. They work really well for this! However, you have to switch them out every so often because they have a shorter shelf life. We did a little investigating and asked you how you use your MREs. These were some of the top responses:
1. Long Term Emergency Supplies
The most common use for MRE meals is long-term emergency supplies. People like to keep them on hand for disasters like storms, hurricanes, or other situations where there might be a power outage because they provide a hot meal with no external heating source. However, MREs have a shorter shelf life, so you’ll need some secondary uses.
2. Bug Out Bags and 72-Hour Kits
Because they are a small, compact, self-contained meal, MREs are a great food and energy source to keep in your emergency kits so you can be prepared for anything. It’s a comfort to know that you have food ready to go at a moment’s notice.
3. Camping
MREs are a convenient food to bring on camping trips. They don’t take up as much room as bringing other foods and bringing enough for your trip is an easy calculation. Just bring one packet for each meal and you’re all set! You can also heat them over the fire and add other foods to the entree and you have yourself a gourmet camping feast.
4. Hunting
While on a hunting trip, you can take MREs with you for lunch and eat them as you go, so meals won’t slow you down. They will also warm you up on cold days and help to keep you out longer.
5. Hiking Trips
Whether you’re backpacking across the country or exploring the local trails where you live, MREs are a great energy source that will keep you going for miles and won’t take up that much room in your pack.
6. Road Trips
If you’ve got a long drive ahead of you and don’t have time to stop, MREs are a great solution for your meals. You can have a hot meal right there in your car while saving money and time. Not to mention you won’t be snacking away on food that doesn't fill you up.
7. Everyday Use
MREs are not a bad option for normal meals. If you’re eating them at home, you can spruce it up with some fresh produce and add in a few spices and seasonings for a flavorful meal.
8. For Fun
MREs are somewhat of a novelty. They come with different meals and flavors and are something that you may just want to try for fun. They might be a fun and new food for kids to try, or even for you to try! They can be used for much more than food storage.
Thanks for sharing the ways that you use your MREs! Now you can expand your MRE’s horizons and use them for multiple purposes other than food storage.