Best Knots for Emergency Preparedness
24 Mar 2013
Knowing how to tie some basic knots could be the difference between life and death in an emergency. Below, we’ve listed some of the best knots for emergency preparedness. Today, you'll learn how to do the bowline, Prusick loop, double fisherman’s knot, square knot and figure eight knot.
The bowline is great for emergency situations because it doesn’t slip or jam. It’s very easy to make and can be used in a lot of situations to pull without tightening.
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1. Take the right end of the rope and curl it over itself to make a small loop.
2. Insert the right end of the rope through the initial loop making a larger loop.
3. Continue around the back of the rope just before the first small loop.
4. After going around the back of the rope, pass the end into the small loop again.
5. Tighten the knot.
Prusick Loop
The Prusick loop (or knot) has been used for decades in mountaineering as a knot that won’t slip when you need it to stay and will move when you need to shift. The knot is based on friction and relies on the presence of a load or pressure to stay. So, if you tug on the line, it will stay put, if you loosen it, it will release and move.
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1. You will need to lengths of rope, one will be the anchor while the other will be used for the knot/loop
2. Lay the anchor rope on a flat surface.
3. Tie both ends of the other rope to make a loop.
4. Place the loop underneath the anchor line
5. Pull one side of the loop over and underneath the anchor line – do this three times
6. On the last turn, tighten the knot around and through the other end of the loop.
Double Fisherman’s Knot
This knot is great for joining different lines together to make one longer rope. It can be great for extended two smaller ropes or simply securing one rope to another.
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1. Place two ropes parallel on another.
2. Using one rope, make a loop by passing it over the second rope then under both ropes. Do this twice ( that’s why it’s called double fisherman’s knot)
3. From underneath the two ropes insert it into the loop you just made.
4. Do the same with the other rope
5. Pull both ropes to tighten the knot.
Square Knot
This is one of the most widely used knots. It was originally used to secure sails to ships but is now used to to secure two ropes together. If you’re lifting heavy items, this might not be the best knot to use because it can come apart rather easily. But if you need a simple knot to tie two ends together without worrying about them staying tight, this is a great knot.
1. Take one end in each hand.
2. Cross over the right end and wrap it around the left end. Now the right end is not on the left side.
3 Take the end on the left side and cross it over and wrap it around the end on the right.
4. Tighten the knot.
Figure Eight Knot
A figure eight knot is a great way to add a loop to the end of any rope. It is probably one of the best knots for binding under strain.
Video Instructions Here
1, Form a single figure eight in the end of the rope and feed the tail through your harness. Some harnesses require that you feed the rope through certain straps.
2. Rethread the figure eight, following the same path as the first. Pull the knot tight. Make sure you have enough tail, as the knot will slip a bit when loaded. Check the knot by counting “two”, “two” & “two”, for the three visible doubled strands. Ensure they each are lying flat and not crossing over themselves.
So what knots would you recommend?
Comment below to tell us what knots you find the most handy. Which ones have you learned and used? Comment below to tell us more!