How to Regrow Your Produce Scraps
02 Feb 2017
Whether you are trying to avoid waste, or you are wanting to sustain your family with nutrient-rich vegetables, regrowing your produce scraps simply makes sense. Even better, most regrowth processes are easy to do and bring about a fairly quick return.
Here are some great foods you can regenerate after you've finished using them:
Green Onions
Green onions are probably the easiest food scraps to regrow. Simply use the green
stem in your favorite recipes, saving the bulb and roots.
-Put the bulb in a glass/jar of water, roots down.
-Change water every 2 days
- You should have a fully grown onion in 1-2 weeks. No need to transfer to soil.
Note- This also works with leeks and scallions.
To restart celery, you simply need about 2-3 inches of the celery stalk base.
-Put the stalk in a shallow bowl of water. The water should cover 2/3 of the base, leaving about 1/2-1 inch of the cut portion in open air.
-Place your celery in a sunny area.
-Change the water every other day.
-Watch regrowth occur in the center of the stalk. After 5-7 days, transfer the stalk to soil. Cover the stalk, but leave the tips of the new growth exposed.
-Water generously and watch grow.
Note- You can grow celery in a planter indoors, as long as there is good drainage, room for growth, and adequate sunlight.
To regrow your carrots you'll need to save about an inch of your carrots' base.
- Place your carrot(s) in a shallow bowl, stalk side up (cut side down) with water covering to the edge of the stalk.
-Place dish in the sun
-Change water every day.
-After 1-2 weeks of growth either (1) Use the new growth as carrot medallions in salads or (2) plant tops in soil with stalk/leaves outside of soil to regrow fully. Water regularly.
Romain Lettuce
Romain lettuce is easy to regrow. Simply save about 3 inches of the heart of your lettuce.
-Put the base in a bowl with about 1/2-1 inch of water with the cut part exposed to the air.
-Keep the bowl in a sunny area.
-Change the water every day.
-When the base sprouts, transfer it to to your garden or planter box, leaving the new sprouts exposed, but covering the original base.
-Water and let grow until the romain leaves are 6-8 inches tall.
-Harvest the leaves by (1) pulling the whole plant up to use or (2) cutting the leaves with a sharp knife to let the plant keep growing.
Potatoes sprout in the pantry. It just makes sense that they would be easy to regenerate. To regrow potatoes you simply need a piece of the potato with at least 2 eyes.
-Leave potato piece in open air to dry out overnight.
-Replant the potatoes about 8 inches apart in soil.
- Harvest after 70-120 days.
Note- Some store-bought potatoes are treated to prevent sprouting. Make sure your potatoes can sprout. Also, if it is rotting or diseased, discard.
To regrow onions you simply need a small spot of earth and an onion.
-Cut the onion end off, leaving about 1/2 inch of onion/root.
-Place the onion root down in a shallow hole. (Use rich soil for best results.)
-Water well, especially in the early stages of growth.
-Harvest when leaves have started to yellow and are drooping.
Cabbage can be regrown similarly to romain lettuce. You need a couple inches of the base and some leftover leaves from your cabbage.
-Place cabbage base in a bowl of water, covering about half way.
-Place in full sun.
-Replace water every 2-3 days.
-When new roots and leaves appear, transplant to nutrient-rich soil. Leave new growth exposed as you plant.
- To harvest either pull the full plant out or cut leaves and leave the base in the soil.
Have you tried to regrow produce? What has worked for you?