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5 Ways To Heat MRE Meals Without A Heater

06 Oct, 2012 40

The MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) is a long-standing favorite for food storage. It’s nutritious, convenient, and better tasting than ever before. With an entrée, side dish, dessert, and accessory pack included, all you need is the meal pack and a heat source. Our MRE Ultimate Full Meal even includes a heater for convenience. But what if you don’t have a heater? Let’s explore how to heat MREs when a standard heater isn’t available.

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How to Heat an MRE With a Heater

The easiest way to heat an MRE is by using the included heater. Follow our step-by-step guide here to prepare your meal quickly and efficiently.

5 Creative Ways to Heat MRE Meals Without a Heater

1. Boiling the Pouch

Before opening the MRE, place the sealed pouch into a pot of boiling water. After a few minutes, carefully remove the package, open it, and enjoy a hot meal.

Heating MRE meals
Heating MRE meals without a heater is simple and versatile.

2. On a Car Engine or Tailpipe

If you’re traveling or stuck in an emergency, use your car’s engine or tailpipe. Place the sealed MRE on the engine, allowing it to absorb the heat. Alternatively, balance the meal on your car’s tailpipe and let it warm up for a few minutes.

3. Using a Flat Iron

Need a quick fix? A clothes iron can heat your MRE effectively. Wrap the meal in a cloth to prevent the bag from melting, or set the iron to a lower temperature and press it over the bag. Be cautious to avoid overheating.

4. On Coals & Rocks

When camping, place your MRE on flat rocks near a campfire. This method heats the meal gently without risking damage to the bag. Avoid direct contact with white-hot coals to prevent burning.

5. Under the Sun's Heat

Harness the sun’s energy by placing your MRE on a sunlit rock or using a sun oven. For faster results, fashion tin foil to reflect and concentrate the sun’s heat onto the bag, ensuring your meal warms up efficiently.

How Have You Heated MREs Without a Heater?

We’ve shared a few creative ideas, but we’d love to hear from you! Share your tips and tricks in the comments below. Whether you’re camping, traveling, or preparing for emergencies, let us know how you’ve successfully heated MREs.

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