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Surprising Uses for a Multipurpose Pocket Knife

27 Oct, 2017 11

Multi-use pocket knives have been around for many years. In fact, the classic tool was referenced in the book Moby Dick (published in 1851). By the 1880s, the Swiss Army needed a practical knife for their soldiers, one that could open cans and disassemble rifles. This led to the development of the now-famous Swiss Army knife, which revolutionized the multi-tool concept. Today, these versatile knives come in all shapes and sizes, with various features like wire crimpers and magnifying glasses. Below are some surprising and unexpected ways you can use your Swiss Army knife:

Swiss Army Knife
A multi-use pocket knife, like the Swiss Army knife, is a handy tool in many situations.
  1. Relieving Anxiety or Fidgeting
    • Fidgeting with an object can help relieve anxiety and reduce stress. The pattern on your pocket knife can serve as a useful tool for calming nervous family members during an emergency.
  2. Starting a Fire
    • In an emergency, use a pocket knife to help start a fire by completing an electrical circuit with a battery and the can opener tool. Place some cotton nearby to catch the sparks.
  3. Citrus Zesting
    • Spice up your campfire cooking by using your pocket knife to zest lemons and limes for flavoring.
  4. Carrying Grocery Bags
    • Next time you’re juggling grocery bags, use your pocket knife to create an easy handle for a more comfortable carry.
  5. Car Safety Tool
    • A pocket knife can serve as a lifesaver in emergencies. It can cut seat belts and some models even feature a glass-breaking tool to help you escape a car in distress.
  6. Money Clip
    • If you’ve misplaced your wallet, use the belt clip on your pocket knife as a money clip. Simply fold your bills in half and secure them under the clip. It’s a quick and practical solution in a pinch.
  7. Cutting Down Small Trees
    • Though challenging, it is possible to cut down a small tree with a pocket knife. It requires patience and some effort, but in an emergency, this could be a lifesaving skill. Use a small log to act as a bat to help chip away at the tree.
  8. Removing Foxtails
    • If your dog or pet gets foxtails (grass clusters with sharp seeds) stuck in their fur, you can use your knife’s tweezers to remove them. Foxtails can be dangerous if left untreated, so having a multi-tool handy could save your pet from serious harm.
  9. Trimming Hair
    • Need a quick trim? Many pocket knives come with scissors. You can use them to quickly cut stray hairs when you’re on the go.
  10. Freeing a Wounded Animal
    • As human and animal habitats overlap, wildlife often gets entangled in fences or fishing nets. A quick pocket knife could be the difference between life and death for a struggling animal in such situations.

What unique ways have you used your multi-use pocket knife? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Photo Credit: Swiss Army

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