Preparing Worry Prone Children For an Emergency
03 Oct 2017
Happy wife, happy life, right? The same goes for happy children, happy home. Panic is usually the first response when a crisis happens, especially where children are concerned. Remaining calm will help the children stay calm as well. Prepare children for emergencies. Make a plan and practice, this will become second nature to them. Children should know who to contact and where to meet if something were to happen.
Songs can be an ideal way to teach children how to prepare for an emergency. Every 5 year old in the world knows all the words to "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen by heart. Music is easy to remember and can help children stay calm. Practice short little words and phrases with children so they know what to do when the time comes. Also check out links like this for ideas: Save the Children
Make it fun and easy to remember
- Keep calm, and carry on keep a cool head in every situation
- Stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch on fire
- Get low and go to avoid smoke from a fire and get to out safely
- Get out and stay out in the event of a fire
- Get ready, get safe being prepared will keep everyone safe
- Stay calm and do the prep step steps to get ready for an emergency